Too much air conditioning can lead to indoor mould growth.
It’s summer and the heat is on. Some of us like the hot weather, others yearn for a cooler breeze. Whatever your preference most of us are running our air conditioners to achieve indoor compfort. Be careful though, too much air conditioning can lead to indoor mould growth on walls and ceilings and inside closets.
What is the potential hazard with running your air conditioner too low. Or in other words, keeping the indoor environment too cool. Well, it’s the surface temperature of your belonging as well as the surfaces of your home, windows, walls, ceiling, etc that could start to condense and grow mould. In summer there us usually lots of humidity that accompanies the hot temperatures. With this combination of heat and humidity to danger of condensation can be a real problem. Even opening a door or window, can bring that hot and moist air indoors.
If you are running your air conditioner so that your indoor temperature is around 21 degrees celsius, your walls and other surfaces will also be cold. Opening a door or window will allow that hot and moist air to come indoors where it will connect with your cold surfaces. This can then lead to condensation. Too much condensation can lead to actual water damage on drywall and insulation. This sustained water damage can now lead to indoor mould growth.
What is the solution to prevent indoor mould growth? Make sure your air conditioning is set a little higher. 25 degrees or higher can make a big difference in preventing condensation on surfaces since these surfaces will be a little warmer. Warmer surfaces need a lot more humidity before condensation begins.
Have any more questions about indoor mould growth or mould testing. Give us a call.